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martedì 18 febbraio 2014

Gyaru Wardrobe

Today I had a little free time and I decided to take some pictures of my gyaru wardrobe, it was actually a long time that I wanted to write this post, but as always, I didn't do it out of laziness (*´Д`)
I started to dress gyaru just over a year ago and the style that I prefer is  rokku / gosshikku, i love Glavil, Ghost of Harlem and Glad News stuff *.*
Here we gooooo~



*Glad News*

*Glavil by TutuHa*

*Glavil by TutuHa*

*Glavil by TutuHa* It's not a real dress but a set (harness skirt+sweater)


skirt+dress *offbrand*

*Glavil by TutuHa*

*Glavil by TutuHa*

*Ghost of Harlem* this skirt has a petticoat, i just love it!!!

*Super Lovers* and *Listen Flavor" skirts are not gyaruish but i usually use them in my outfit~

i bought this corset/skirt in Sakurina website


*Listen Flavor* and offbrand (109 random shop)

*Glad News*


*Glavil by TutuHa* and *Ghost of Harlem*


*Ghost of Harlem* it was a birthday present from Federica <3

*Glavil by TutuHa* This can be used like a dress too, it's very comfy in summertimet!

*Glavil by TutuHa*

top+poncho *Glavil by TutuHa*

top+parka *Glavil by TutuHa*

*Glavil by TutuHa*

*Glad News*

*Glavil by TutuHa*

it's a dress but i use it like a sweather (it's another birthday present from Federica)


*Ghost of Harlem* and *Super Lovers*


*Glad News*

*Glavil by TutuHa*

*Listen Flavor* and offbrand (109 random shop)

*Glavil by TutuHa*

*La Pafait*, *Listen Flavor*, *Super Lovers*, *Graveyard Rose Shattered Memories*, *Kreepsville*, offbrand



*Jeffrey Campbell*, *Creepers*, *Algonquins*, offbrand

ok, that's all! A few days ago i made a new order HERE and i'm waiting for these amazing stuff!!

the sweather and the chocker are from *Glavil*, the stockings are from *Ma*rs* and the blouse is from *MeJane* shop

Thanks for reading~ 

4 commenti:

  1. I really love your clothes. *w* Looks so cool.
    My favorite is the poncho, really stylish.
    I love your post.
    Bai, Shiki

  2. Honestly..I would buy each single piece...*____*
