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mercoledì 27 marzo 2013

Outfit post

Today i want to share my last outfits from the trip in Tokyo until few days ago!
I Hope you like them~


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Chinese New Year Eve
outfit for Harajuku Fashion Walk Pescara

Bonus pic
Meet lolita in Udine! I'm the girl with a blonde wig and wearing AATP Gloria.

Thanks for watching~

7 commenti:

  1. oddio bellina! seconda parrucca poi (quella col fondo lilla) è un'amore! °0°

  2. Grazieee!!
    La parrucca nera-lilla è di Chiara e l'ha comprata da Lockshop, speravo la restockassero ma nulla ù.ù

  3. I tuoi outfit sono tutti stupendi e tu sei tanto bella çOç ♥ *love*

  4. omg, you are so beautiful <3
    and I love each of your outfit!! *__*

  5. I love your beautiful look, your are very interesting and your blog is wonderful. Kisses from Spain.

    follow me and i follow back?
