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lunedì 19 novembre 2012

Lucca comics and games 2012

Lolita Fashion Show in Lucca comics

Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th November I went to Lucca for the annual comics festival.
The trip from my city was long and tiring but, as always, it was an
experience very fun and enjoyable.
In particular Saturday I attended, with Federica and Chiara, the Lolita Fashion Show organized by the Italian community  (Gothic Lolita Zone),
before and after the show I knew in person new girls and met again others after about a year (the last lolita national meet I enjoyed was the NIMI in Florence).
We were divided into four groups corresponding to the four seasons and styles: Spring for classic, Summer for sweet, Autumn for pirate and punk and Winter fot gothic.I walked the runway in the gothic group and wore the AATP Gathered Chiffon matched with a bonnet full of accessories.

Jsk: Gathered chiffon AATP
Bonnet: BTSSB
Bag: taobao

Shoes: Antaina
Rosary, crosses and ring: Graveyard Rose† Shattered Memories (
Blouse, socks: offbrand

 A beautiful pic with Federica

   With Maddy and Chiara

Sunday, despite the rain, I cosplayed as Tomoe Mami paired with Chiara (Madoka) from the popular anime Mahō Shōjo Madoka Magika:

We should have been present all four days of the festival but this year we decided to save for the trip to Japan that we will take in a month ( ゚▽゚)/

 Thanks for reading~